I will be sending out a newsletter in the next couple of weeks for the next show!
Only one wee bear did not yet find his new home so he has been listed on BearPile. He is a sweet 10" bear made of sandy coloured alpaca!
Herman on Bearpile
I will keep the Newsletters as the main place to announce bear information such as shows, awards etc and use this blog as a forum for that and more personal things. This way if you are not interested in that aspect you don't need to find my news in your mailbox... you can choose to come here,
and on that note... I was called yesterday from the doctors office and asked to please come in right away. Unfortunately they did not have space for me yesterday so I will be going in today to find out what's up. At least only had to wait a day and my appointment is this morning so ... I will let you all know when I know. It will have something to do with the recent blood work I had done. This is the fastest I have ever seen blood-work done as it was only Thursday of last week that I went in for that. Anyway... this is the reason for the delay on a date for the next show... I just need to find out where we are on the tests and then I can base the date on that!
Thank you all again for your continued support of Seraphim Bears! This is a fun new aspect of my bear journey and I look forward to the next Rapid-Fire two day online show with you! I am almost completed the next show bears ... I will try to send a sneak peak at some time soon...
Big Hugs and have a great day!