Woke up due to my J's cell phone at 5:30am
I was very unhappy about this as it was not enough time to go back to sleep if I wanted to get my workout started at 7:00am...
Because once the doggies were awake they wanted to go outside...
and that meant they would not wake me at 6:30am...
which meant I would sleep past my workout time and I could not take the chance so early in the game
So I got up!
I did my workout
I thought "Okay I will get up, do my workout and then go back to bed for an hour"
But then my cat started to have a Barfing fit. He has a very weak tummy (Poor little man) and so that went on for three sessions and then guess what...
it was time to get into the shower and get ready to head off to work.
However... I did get my workout done! Hahahahaha
Today was weigh in day and I am happy to announce that I have lost the first 2 pounds! Might not sound like a lot but think of it this way... If every week goes like this from now until the bear show in August I will have lost 22 pounds... which is actually more than I want to loose so if the odd week I loose a little less it will be perfect! So that was inspiring!
Trying to type this... I should have left it with all the spelling and typo's so you could see for yourselves what rough shape I am in today. It is incredible what too little sleep will do to the brain. I plan on an early bed night tonight.
I am also planning to start a routine called 10 DAY REBOOT CAMP for mind body and spirit: It starts with being in bed by 10pm will all devices off and sleeping by 11pm (Sleep Hygiene). Currently I sleep with the TV on set to go off on a timer. My magazine subscription that I won at one of the trade shows : "Whole Living" (one of the best magazines I have ever gotten I might add and I definitely plan to renew my subscription when it ends!) always has these fabulous things you can do to eat better or take care of you better and this month they have a workout for your whole being not just weight loss and this is one of the elements of this routine... sounds intreguing especially after a sleep deprived night last night so I thought I would give it a shot.
But for now it is off to work on some bears!
Oh, what did I eat today:
WW toast x 2 with lite Cheese Wiz 4 pt plus
Egg Creations (1/4 cup) 1 pt plus
Cucumber salad with lite creamy cucumber dressings 1 pt plus
Tomato sandwich on WW toast with no fat Miracle Whip 2 pt plus
1 Banana - FREE
1 Tbs lite Peanut Butter - 2 pt plus
1/2 glass skim milk - 1 pt plus
Smart Ones frozen pepperoni pizza - 11 pt plus (this one is really fab if you are craving something not so good for you. When I am tired there is always this danger lurking. Not sure why but tired and junk food seem to go hand in hand for me so these little pizza's are a great cushion just in case.)
That was about it today and I will have dinner later on.
I still had 48 extra points left over this month that I could have used but did not need to! Not bad huh!
Have a great night... I am off to watch the last episode of Oprah and cry and sew. Oprah and crying go hand in hand especially when I am tired! Hahahahaha
PS. The squirrels are digging up my "Diane's Garden". We had to lay a piece of lattice over the top of the planter tonight!
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