Seraphim Bears would like to thank all my collectors who visited me this weekend at the Teddy Bears On Vacation show! It was great too see you all again! Many bears were adopted out in both this show and the online show making it a grand total adopted of SEVEN bears! Some are have gone home to new places, some are meeting other Seraphim Bears when they arrive home and all were happy to be wrapped in their receiving blankets and placed into their new Mum's arms... I did not have any Daddy buyers this time around. Then there are those bears that had to travel afar... they are carefully wrapped in their blankets and packaged for a long journey out of Canada. My bears are seeing lands that I have yet to see myself and I am always so excited to think of their adventures! Those bears have not yet arrived at their new homes but will soon be there to be greeted by loving arms!
All in all it was a very busy last month what with our move etc and we are of course still trying to unpack! Unfortunately also the buyer for our old home did not get their financing so we had another offer that was waiting in the wings but now we must begin all over again with inspections etc...
But lets continue on a positive note: Today I managed to unpack some more boxes and it was a bit slow today at work so I got some re-designing done of my mini bears. A new body to match the new line of Melancholy bears and some new legs and arms too! I am anxious to get one cut out and tested but I think this will be a great design! I had several requests for my miniatures at this past show and thought I better get to my reworking of my pattern so I would have those request filled for the next show!
I changed the design of my table this past show also... I like a wobble head on my bears and I find having them at table level or only slightly higher is a bit of a back ache for my collectors to try to see their sweet faces so I purchased some nice tower shelves and this seemed to work magnificently! We also won 2nd place for best costume and table combo ~ so thank you for all of you who voted for us!
Setting up time...
New table set up
My lovely neighbour Laurie Brady with friend Woo Bears
and the fabulous table set up by Ingrid Norgaard Schmid
Be back really soon with more from Seraphim Bears Studio... and we actually have a real studio now~
Three bears are now available for adoption; Cherio on eBay, Nitty Whiskers on Bear Pile and Amelia on Bear Pile!