I wanted to share with you some of the highlights of the day as far as gifts go and then I will be back to share more as today my Mum, Step dad, uncle and friend are arriving for yet another dinner!
This is our pug The Butcher, I just love this time of the year as we lay all our animal beds under the tree among the presents and they love to sleep there. They look like little angels all nestled under the magic of Christmas!
This year my tree was all done in mercury glass vintage ornaments! I was lucky enough to have inherited these from my MIL this year and of course now wish to begin a collection of these fabulous ornaments! So this is only the beginning!
This year I requested handmade gifts... if you have ever been a part of this you will know that this is not an easy request! I made most of my gifts for my family and will post images of those gifts soon but this was what they made for us... MATCHING OUTFITS for us and our babies! Hahahha ... so fabulous.
This is my J with The Butcher and they both have a new black scarf! And J has a hat to match too!
Jonesy and I got matching leg warmers! Hahahaha We love them!
That is sooooo cute!
Then MIL who insists how untalented she is on a continual basis, created this matching set for Jonesy and I! WOW! He got a full jacket with fur and I got the matching hood and mittens! Oh my goodness, we are just the image of fashion! I think he is simply adorable in this outfit and simply cannot wait to take him out for a walk!
Jonesy is my IG and so NEEDS coats at this time of the year especially! Now all we need is a sleigh!
Be back soon with more images of our Christmas!
Love and Kisses from us to you
Happy Boxing Day! Time to go prepare the pineapple squares, roasted potatoes and Yorkshire puddin'!