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Sunday, October 24, 2010

FAVE Halloween Movies

I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I have loved it all my life. My father and Mum were both really into it and so I was born with the joy of it. When I was just barely old enough to walk my dad dressed me up as Cinderella and carved the pumpkin like the carriage and made the horses out of pipe cleaners. I pulled all that behind me in a little red wagon from door to door in the neighbourhood apartment buildings... theres something that ages me right there huh? You cannot go door to door in apartments any longer, they just sit someone in the front lobby to hand out candy now. At least that's how it is here in Canada.

Anyway, as most of you know I also grew up to be a makeup artist and hair stylist so as you can imagine Halloween was a really really busy time for me. So much so that I barely had time to do my own makeups but it always got done. I'll try to dig up some photos before Halloween this year to show you some of the makeups I have done but be for warned... some are gory as required and requested.

But for today I just thought I would share with you some of my very favourite movies for this holiday! Don't worry they aren't scary at all... I like the fantasy aspect of this holiday with witches and goblins not chainsaws and screams... those are saved for my husbands list of movies which I doubt I will be posting on my beautiful happy blog! Hehehehehehe

So here goes... Movies that Michele Seraphim Loves to watch and re-watch at Halloween...

1.  Witches of Eastwich

2.  Edward Scissorhands

3.  Nightmare Before Christmas

4. Sweeney Todd

5. Hocus Pocus

6. Sleepy Hollow

7. Headless Horseman

8. Practical Magic

9. Corpse Bride

10. Vincent

And of course I enjoy all of the True Blood series and Twilight too...
I won't show those just in case some of you are not fans of vampires!

That should keep you busy for a while! Ha, I hope you enjoyed that and I hope it got you in the mood for this coming week... It's almost here... Halloween and the Practical Magic Seraphim Room Spray Draw! Yippppeeeeeeeeeeee


  1. I have not seen some of these. Now is the time. I love to watch TV at Halloween time. So much good stuff to watch.

  2. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. I am a big movie buff having been in the industry for so many years. I don't watch much TV but love to have a good movie on while I work on bears, accessories etc.
