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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TBIMMT Day 13 - A new publication in The Teddy Bear Annual 2011

Okay, so this morning was very difficult. It was confirmed that I have indeed gained weight ... point eighth of a pound. Not bad but not what I was hoping for. I am still going to stay on track and keep with the program of course but it is a bit discouraging... however many of you have written with encouraging words and I am grateful for that!

I also woke up in a bit of pain. Yesterday was a difficult day as Tuesday's almost always are and my back by the end of the day was singing. It was no better when I woke this morning either and probably worse from laying in bed all night. I sat on the edge of the couch and talked to myself. It went back and forth something like this...

I'm really sore today

Ya, but you have to do this

But I'm really not feeling it today

Ya, but you have to do this... the readers are going to want to know what you did

But what if I just took one day off to rest

One day leads to many, you know that! You make an excuse once and then it makes it easier for the next time doesn't it. Just do the workout and get it over with. Look the time is ticking away and you could have been 1/4 of the way through the workout already instead of sitting here THINKING about not doing it... get up!

But I am really exhausted and I don't think I can do it

You can do it! YOU CAN... you just don't want to but you CAN.


Stop that wasting time!!! Look ... look at the clock... it is almost too late and you won't have time to do the workout before work and that will mess up the entire system. Then you will really be sore tomorrow cause you won't have the 24 hour break inbetween if you have to do it when you get home tonight. Plus you won't do it then and you know you won't cause you will have already made the first excuse and gotten away with it! GET UP! GET YOUR SHOES ON AND GET UP!


Stop that! OKAY, a compromise... do level 1 - 2 instead but do it! MOVE... do something... don't give up.

Shoes are now on and I am slowly standing up to get my yoga mat! deep breath!

NICE!Don't sit down, change the DVD now and you will be standing up ready to go for it!

I walk to the DVD player and switch DVD's to level 1 - 2!

PUSH PLAY! YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH and you will be so happy you did it in the end! It will probably make your back feel better too! Stretching and moving will loosen it up! Come on... don't let everyone down! DON'T LET YOU DOWN!

I pushed play! Next thing you know I was done. I was happy. Happy I pushed through. Granted I did the lower level. Granted I did everything at a slower but even pace. I did not take breaks and I sweat but I did not push as hard as normal. My stretches were smaller, my leg lifts a little lower, my reps a bit slower but I did it! I made it through!

Today is the last day of week two! 69 more days till the show! I feel different even if the scale says that I did not loose! I think I am feeling different!
Tonight I did treat myself to two pieces of my favorite chocolate bar! But the rest of the day I stayed on track. I had veggies done on the grill and chicken and mashed potatoes. I think I used my word today to the best that I could:

I think I fulfilled a big task by getting that workout done even when I was too tired to do so! Too sore to do so... too ... fill in the blank with any excuse you can think of! But I did it! I fulfilled the requirements to stick to the plan!

And I got some fabulous news in the mail yesterday! An article on Seraphim Bears has been published in The Teddy Bear Annual. I was contacted by Kathy Martin herself and what an absolutely wonderful lady she is! I knew about the article but never count my chickens before they are hatched and so did not want to mention it. I am just so honoured to have this article in the TBA. I cannot express how grateful I am other than to spread the word of this fabulous publication! And I was absolutely so touched at the title and to see my beloved grandmother... the inspiration for my bear making journey, in full colour in a magazine! Oh I wish she could see this! She would have been so thrilled and filled with emotion over this! I hope she is looking down and seeing that now hundreds of people from all over the world will see her and read about her! This article is so precious to me as it talks all about my family and the love I have for them and the bears! Thank you sooooo very much for asking me to be a part of such a heartfelt article! The article is in full colour but I want to leave something to your imagination! LOL!

This issue of The Teddy Bear Annual is loaded with wondrous articles. Silly Bears has a fabulous article on the workshop done this year with Beatrix Harries hosting the workshop! It looks like so much fun! The article is fantastic and turly makes me want to travel to Scotland to do the next workshop if I can!

To get your copy visit:  The Teddy Bear Annual

Tomorrows Word:

Appreciative of benefits received; thankful 
Expressing gratitude
Affording pleasure or comfort; agreeable

I will be in better form tomorrow... the start of week three and already I am grateful for sooooo many things! Most of all, all of you and your never ending support. Thank you!


  1. Congratulations, Michele, on such a wonderful article!!!! It's is very well deserved!


  2. Hi Michele,

    Congratulations on the article! Well deserved and a nice pat on the back. You can think of that when you are trying to stay disciplined with your workouts! Looking forward to seeing you in August!

